PostgreSQL Server Installation and Configuration

In this chapter, you will see how to configure PostgreSQL for its use with OpenERP. The following procedure is well-tested on PostgreSQL v9.0.

Installing PostgreSQL Server

You can download the Windows installer from the PostgreSQL download page

Depending on your need, choose either the One Click Installer or the pgInstaller and run the executable you have just downloaded.

Setup a PostgreSQL User

When the required software installations are complete, you must create a PostgreSQL user. OpenERP will use this user to connect to PostgreSQL.

Add a User

Start a Windows console (run the cmd command in the Search programs and files text box of the Start menu).

Change the directory to the PostgreSQL bin directory (e.g. C:\Program Files\PostgreSQL\9.0\bin) or add this directory to your PATH environment variable.

The default superuser for PostgreSQL is called postgres. The password was chosen during the PostgreSQL installation.

In your Windows console, type:

  C:\Program Files\PostgreSQL\9.0\bin>createuser.exe --createdb --username postgres --no-createrole --pwprompt openpg
  Enter password for new role: openpgpwd
  Enter it again: openpgpwd
  Shall the new role be a superuser? (y/n) y
  Password: XXXXXXXXXX

* line 1 is the command itself
* line 2 asks you the new user's password
* line 3 asks you to confirm the new user's password
* line 4 new role is superuser or not?
* line 5 asks you the *postgres* user's password

Option explanations:

  • --createdb : the new user will be able to create new databases
  • --username postgres : createuser will use the postgres user (superuser)
  • --no-createrole : the new user will not be able to create new users
  • --pwprompt : createuser will ask you the new user’s password
  • openpg : the new user’s name. Alternatively, you may specify a different username.
  • openpgpwd : the new user’s password. Alternatively, you may specify a different password.



In OpenERP v6, openpg and openpgpwd are the default username and password used during the OpenERP Server installation. If you plan to change these defaults for the server, or have already installed the server with different values, you have to use those user configuration values when you create a PostgreSQL user for OpenERP.

Now use pgAdmin III to create database “openerpdemo” with owner “openpg”:

COMMENT ON DATABASE openerpdemo IS 'OpenERP Demo DB';

If you have installed the OpenERP Server, you can start it now. If needed, you can override the server configuration by starting the server at a Windows console and specifying command-line options. For more on this, refer the section Customized Configuration.

To change a user’s password in any Windows version, execute the following:

net user <accountname> <newpassword>
e.g. net user postgres postgres

If it is a domain account, just add “/DOMAIN” at the end.

If you want to delete it, just execute:

net user <accountname> /delete

Case-Insensitive Search Issue

For an installation which needs full UTF8 character support, consider using postgres >= 8.2.x. Using versions prior to this, OpenERP search will not return the expected results for case-insensitive searches, which are used for searching partners, products etc.


SELECT 'x' FROM my_table WHERE 'bét' ilike 'BÉT'
--matches only in 8.2.x

Project Versions

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